How it works

List your space for 3 months FREE! and Reach thousands of potential seekers

We are glad to make that special offer for first-time listings on our website. We value your trust and cooperation. Our goal is to help you to reach your business heights.

List your space for free

Register for free. No commission. No Subscription Fee. No Hidden Charges.

We don’t charge seekers

We don't add anything onto the price. We display the price you set unlike other platforms which often charge seekers their prices.

Maximize your visibility

Get your venues filled with new seekers and increase your space exposure online.

idealspaces promotion

Claim your 3 months free advertisement right now!

How to get started on IdealSpaces

Easy as One, Two, Three


Fill out the enquiry form and receive a confirmation email with your user name credentials.


Login and list your space.


Press publish and get ready to fill up your all vacant spaces.

I would like to list my business center and meeting room

Fill up the following form, and we will get in touch with you.